What to do When You Feel Overwhelmed

Last updated October 14, 2021


What does overwhelm mean? Overwhelm is defined as when you are feeling paralysed emotionally and you are unable to cope with or handle your current circumstances.

You can recognise these kind of thoughts as a sign of overwhelm:

  • This is too much…

  • I cant get away from….

  • I can't do this alone… 

  • It's too much…

One of the ways to manage those feelings of overwhelm is to shift your focus from an internal (in your head) to an external (what’s around you) focus.

Mind hack:
Coping when overwhelmed

This hack brings our attention back to the present moment by relying on our five senses. It interrupts those negative thoughts you are having by shifting your attention away from what is causing you to feel anxious.

Breathe deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Then, slowly look around you and find:

5 things you can see
4 things you can touch
3 things you can hear
2 things you can smell
1 emotion you feel

Notice what happened for you… did your mind stop for a second? Did your attention shift away from what was worrying you?

At first, these mind hacks might seem a bit alien, but they will become familiar over time. All you have to do is practice them!

To help you out, I’ve included my a photo of the hack below. Save this to your desktop or on your phone, so you can access it any time.


A word on practice…

As with all of these mind hacks, this might feel silly or new to you… try not to let those thoughts interrupt you when you practice these exercises. If you find yourself thinking like this, accept that it might be something different for you, and carry on. 

Think of it as learning a new skill. As with all new skills, it can feel uncomfortable when we can't do them. THIS IS NORMAL. It means you are learning!

Recognise that practice (or doing something over and over) is the way to become proficient.  So I encourage you to do these as often as you can… until you feel good about how easy it is to do. When you practice them, notice how you feel. Over time, you will notice when you begin to feel different doing the exercises. That will tell you that you are beginning to be a master.

More mind hacks…


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