Mastering the Maze: Developing Your "Manage Up and Across" Skills

We all know the importance of strong downward management skills – keeping your team on track, motivated, and delivering results. But what about navigating upwards and outwards? Mastering the art of "managing up and across" is a crucial skill for success in today's dynamic workplaces.

What Does It Mean to "Manage Up and Across?"

"Managing up" isn't about bossing your boss around. It's about building a strong, collaborative relationship with your manager. This means understanding their priorities, preferred communication style, and keeping them informed about your progress.

"Managing across" refers to effectively collaborating with colleagues from different departments or teams. This requires clear communication, empathy for different work styles, and a willingness to find common ground.

Why is it Important?

Here's the reality: a siloed approach rarely yields optimal results. By managing up and across, you:

  • Boost Efficiency: Clear communication with your manager avoids misunderstandings and wasted time. Collaboration across teams streamlines workflows and fosters innovation.

  • Increase Visibility: Keeping your manager informed showcases your contributions and builds trust. Strong cross-team relationships make your expertise known across the organization.

  • Enhance Career Growth: Demonstrating these skills positions you as a valuable team player and leader, opening doors to future opportunities.

Developing Your Upward and Outward Influence

Here are some key strategies to hone your "manage up and across" skills:

  • Become a Communication Master: Tailor your communication to your audience. Be clear, concise, and focus on the "why" behind your message. Actively listen and acknowledge different perspectives.

  • Become a Master of Anticipation: Proactively identify and address potential roadblocks. Keep your manager updated on progress and any hurdles you foresee.

  • Embrace Empathy: Understand your manager's (and colleagues') priorities and challenges. Approach situations from their viewpoint to foster collaboration.

  • Become a Bridge Builder: Facilitate communication between teams. Highlight shared goals and how collaboration benefits everyone.

Remember: Managing up and across is a two-way street. By investing in these skills, you not only become a more valuable asset to your team, but also pave the way for a smoother, more successful career journey.

Bonus Tip: Seek out opportunities to mentor junior colleagues. This not only strengthens your own understanding of core skills but also fosters a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing.

By mastering the art of managing up and across, you can transform yourself from a good employee into a strategic asset, propelling both your individual and your team's success.

If you want to learn these skills, I can teach you.  Come and have a chat with me - its free to find out more:


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